

As a fellow wizard of the eletronic-arcane arts, I welcome you to the space of the interwebs that I managed to entangle to make due, full of bits and bobs to explore and find

I also create love letters, scrolls of knowledge and shrines for some of my likes and hobbies

I hope you like what you see as I continue to enhance the walls of this turpid tower of spells

About this site

I learned about neocities in a youtube video, sounded prety good, just for the nostalgia of the old web, I guess

I just wanted to make something cool, something that could be kept for the future, a little more practice. Am I the only one with trouble finishing projects? :V

Yes, I did the art for everything, I'm not a designer, nor I want to, just made it to look cool, and I think it does :D

I also wanted to talk about some games and show them some love, so ye! Enjoy!

Not much more to say about it I guess, I take inspiration from lots of places, check the references if you are interested, I'm just good enough tinkering with stuff to make it look OK...

About me

Male, Zillennial, giant dumass, autism enjoyer, huge fan of awkward moments, free to say all the bad words as long as it's for comedic purposes

My pronouns are thy Lord/Jagd Tiger/Archmage/Grandmaster

Not gonna mind your opinion on any of this, live your own lives :)

Gamer, Programmer, Hacker, professionaly Full-Stack Web Developer atm, lot of plans that might never happen, just going with the flow

Kinda obsessed all the time about something, for like a week, nothing but that, either it's games, music, side-quest projects, anime/serie

I can't say it's fun losing all interest after a couple of days... Is it just me?





My Games

In Progress =>

Random Things I wanted to show :D

WOw, such things *.*

Link back

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Site Updates

- 14/09/2024 : Home page was finished :V